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5 Activities to Improve Your Mental Health

Protecting your mental health is imperative these days, especially for teens. They experience a number of new thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that can be overwhelming and cause their mental health to suffer. Fortunately, there are several activities to improve your mental health that your teen son or daughter can do every day. These activities are fun, safe, and based on their individual likes and interests.

At Imagine Boise, we welcome teens aged 12-17 who are struggling with depression, social anxiety, PTSD, or other common teen mental health issues. Our experienced team understands how difficult it can be for teens today and works hard to build trust and understanding so they feel comfortable discussing sensitive subjects. Each program is tailored to the individual and will include a mix of behavioral therapies and teen activities that benefit their mental health.

To learn more about our teen mental health programs, send us an email or call 888.597.2807 today to speak with our compassionate team.

Recognizing When Your Teen’s Mental Health Is a Risk

The teenage years can be a troubling time, even on the best of days. It is the time when they develop their own personalities and begin experiencing new thoughts, emotions, and sexual desires. It is estimated that 49.5% of teens deal with a mental health issue at some point in their lives1.

While it can be challenging to recognize when your teen is struggling with their mental health, there are some tell-tale signs that you can look out for. These include:

  • Their grades begin to decline.
  • They obsessively worry or experience panic attacks about upcoming tests or social situations.
  • Changes in their sleeping patterns.
  • Severe mood swings.
  • Unable to focus at school or on other tasks.
  • Pulling away from family and friends.
  • Losing interest in favorite activities.
  • They turn to drugs or alcohol to feel better.

If you recognize these signs in your teen son or daughter, speaking with an experienced teen counselor can benefit them. At Imagine Boise, our goal is to aid Idaho teens who struggle with depression, anxiety, or other treatable mental health disorders. We will develop a comprehensive plan that includes stimulating activities for mental health along with cognitive-behavioral therapy and medical support if necessary.

5 Activities to Improve Your Mental Health

One of the benefits of enrolling in a teen mental health program is learning fun and healthy ways to improve their mental health. In fact, some of your teen’s favorite activities can be used to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.

Here are five teen activities for improving their mental health:

1. Deep Breathing Exercises

When anxiety and stress levels spike, it can be overwhelming. One of the more popular activities to improve teen mental health is deep breathing exercises. This activity can slow racing thoughts and heart rates and help your teen focus on the task at hand instead of spiraling out of control into a complete panic attack.

2. Yoga

This ancient practice is a great physical and mental activity for mental health. It involves various stretches and poses to give teens a great physical workout and is a very mentally stimulating experience. Yoga is very helpful for teens who have trouble focusing at school and can help them better understand themselves and how they think and feel.

3. Exercising

Teens who feel frustrated throughout the day will have a lot of pent-up energy. This negative energy can cause worsening anxiety symptoms and increased stress, which can be very unhealthy for teens. A regular exercise program that includes weight lifting, running, cycling, or swimming is an excellent way to release that negative energy and feel better mentally and physically.

4. Creative Self-Expression

Teens who struggle to voice their feelings can use their creativity as an outlet. Activities such as painting, dancing, writing music, or singing can allow them to express themselves freely and help sort through complex feelings, emotions, and physical sensations.

5. Journaling

Writing in a journal or diary is another beneficial mental health activity for teens. Writing down your thoughts and experiences is a great way to process difficult feelings and help them better understand how different situations or people make them feel.

There are many other types of beneficial mental health activities for teens that can improve their mental health and development. The coping and communication skills they learn today will help them live healthier, happier lives with fewer mental health issues.

Enroll Your Teen in a Teen Mental Health Program at Imagine Boise Today

Imagine Boise is a full-service teen mental health treatment facility that works with Idaho teens who need help improving their mental health. Our programs use a healthy mix of behavioral and holistic therapies, including teen relationship therapy, family therapy, and trauma therapy.

To learn more about the types of teen activities for mental health that can benefit your son or daughter, contact Imagine Boise online or call 888.597.2807 today.


1U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – “Mental Health for Adolescents”