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Importance of Therapy for Teens

Teens who struggle with depression, social anxiety, or other mental health conditions can benefit from talking with a trained professional about their feelings and experiences. Learning about the importance of therapy for teens can help you recognize when your child is struggling with their mental health and what you can do to help them. If teens don’t talk to someone about the problems they struggle with, it will only worsen and can lead to other issues, like substance use disorder.

At Imagine Boise, we welcome Idaho teens between the ages of 12 and 17 who are dealing with significant mental health issues that are affecting their education and development. We will work closely with you and your child to better understand their mental health and develop a teen therapy program based on their individual symptoms. Programs will include group and private therapy sessions on an outpatient basis.

For more information about our teen treatment programs, please call 888.597.2807 today and speak to our professional and compassionate team.

The Importance of Therapy for Teens

Understanding the importance of teen therapy is essential if you want to support your child’s development and mental health properly and give them the necessary tools to thrive. The teenage years are difficult enough without having to deal with symptoms of depression or anxiety. Yet, between 2021 and 2022, 21% of teens 12-17 struggled with anxiety, while 17% experiencing symptoms of depression1.

What can teen therapy do for your child? Some of the common issues that therapy can aid in are:

  • Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, and other types of mental health disorders
  • Dealing with peer pressure, bullying, and body image issues
  • Reducing academic pressure
  • Increasing motivation and concentration
  • How to recognize healthy and non-healthy relationship traits
  • Coping with trauma or chronic health conditions
  • Sexual or gender identity issues

Teen therapy uses cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help teens identify personal triggers and find new ways of coping with them. Therapists work one-on-one with teens to talk about their feelings and emotions in a safe environment. They discuss the behaviors these triggers create and learn how to cope with them with more positive behaviors. Instead of thinking negative thoughts about themselves, teens can recite a personal mantra, exercise to burn off pent-up frustrations, journal, or other positive actions.

At Imagine Boise, we understand the importance of therapy for teens and welcome teens aged 12-17 who need mental health support. Our programs use a mix of therapies, including CBT, relationship therapy, trauma therapy, and other beneficial programs.

Teen Therapy Benefits

Enrolling your teenagers in teen therapy can have many benefits, including better self-esteem and self-confidence, improved academic performance, and a more positive attitude overall.

Here are some additional teen therapy benefits that come from participating in an accredited teen therapy program:

  1. Improved coping skills – Teens learn how to recognize triggering situations and use positive coping skills, like deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and practicing mindfulness. These skills can go a long way in helping teens deal with any situation they may face in school or with their friends and peers.
  2. Superb communication skills – In group therapy sessions, teens role-play with their peers to practice their communication skills and learn how to actively listen and respond to what others say. Communication is necessary for succeeding in personal and professional endeavors and having healthy relationships.
  3. Healthy relationship traits – Having supportive relationships is essential for teens’ healthy development. Learning how to recognize good and negative relationship traits now allows teens to avoid those types of relationships that take more than they give.
  4. A better understanding of self – One of the more important benefits of teen therapy is that it assists teens in discovering their true identities. Having a better understanding of themselves can reduce tension and stress, depression and anxiety symptoms, and improve their overall mental health.

You can begin to see the importance of teen therapy and how it can benefit their growth and development. Attending regular therapy sessions instills the necessary skills to handle all of life’s stresses today and long into the future.

Enroll Your Child in a Teen Treatment Program Today at Imagine Boise

Imagine Boise supports teens who struggle with depression, social anxiety, personality disorders, or other types of mental health illnesses. We also work with all family members to help them understand the importance of therapy for teens and how much it can benefit them and the entire family. Our programs include a mix of evidence-based therapies and educational support.

To talk more about the importance of teen therapy, call 888.597.2807 today or contact us online to schedule a tour and meet our dedicated team.



1KFF – “Roughly 1 in 5 Adolescents Report Experiencing Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression”